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Grief Recovery Method

What is Grief?

Grief Is the normal and natural emotional response to change or loss of any kind – death, divorce, moving, financial changes, health changes, relationship changes; any change or loss!

Grief is the result of...

Unmet hopes, dreams and expectations and the loss of intangible concepts such as safety, trust, security, respect, faith, dignity, hope.

Is your heart broken? 
Are you feeling hopeless?
Do you feel devestated?

Your feelings are normal and natural. The problem is that we have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural. Whether your loss is from: death, divorce or end of a relationship, loss of a career, loss of trust, loss of faith, loss of safety, or loss of health.


Sign up for Grief Recovery Method

Open Classes:
Virtual Eight-Week GRM Class on Thursdays at 6:30pm | January 2-February 20
Eight-Week GRM Class on Monday Nights at 6pm | January 13 - March 10 | Arlington Church of God (539 S Arlington St, Akron, OH 44306). *First week is an introduction week
Eight-Week GRM Class on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm | January 21 - March 25 | Bounce Innovation Hub (526 S. Main Street, Akron, Ohio). *First week is an introduction week
Eight-Week GRM Class on Monday Nights at 6pm | March 24 - May 19 | Arlington Church of God (539 S Arlington St, Akron, OH 44306). *First week is an introduction week

Grief Recovery Method is a partnership between Love Akron and the ADM Board.

GRM Lisa McCraney
GRM Edward Smith
GRM Helen Wray
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